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Monday, September 29, 2008

PRICELESS commonalities in Malaysians!!!

My dear listerners near and far, I heard a heart-touching, amazing news on my way to work this morning that I need to share it with you all.

A highway commuter (Alex), in the midst of his rush to work , gave a buzz to Traxxfm to forewarn fellow commuters to be cautious of the presence of a huge black plastic container by the highway near to the entrance into Subang Jaya.He asked relevant authority to quickly remove that obstruction lest some untoward accidents might happen to the commuters in their rush to return home for their festive (Raya) celebration.

Nobody knew how and why that plastic container was there but everybody knew Malaysians had since last friday began their journey home to their hometowns or villages to be with their families for this festive season.

I am amazed that we still have human beings as caring and sensible as Alex.Because he called, many accidents can be avoided.Because he cared, many people(including me), are humbled and shamed at our selfishness in the name of so- called `protecting our own communities or our kind`. In fact if we care to observe, there are so many commonalities that unite us as Malaysians regardless of race or religion. By the way, Malaysians are peace- loving and god- fearing people.

Commonality number one- throughout the month of Ramadan, Malaysians of all races and walks of life flock to the food bazaar for the variety of food sold there. Some for breaking fast while for some, it is the once a year thing they had waited for and that is, to enjoy the varieties of food as much as they can afford-food glory food! This shared taste for food and culture is such a silent unifying factor that is common in Malaysians that many fail to notice.

These evening food bazaars have also become common `market places` for meet- ups and exchange of greetings in our rush and buzz. In order to enjoy this food and to have such social interactions at this type of `market place`, we need peace and harmony to prevail. Let us, we Malaysians not take peace and harmony for granted which allow us to stay in touch.We Malaysians must uphold this silent unifying force!

Commonality number two- it is a known fact that Malaysians of all races and walks of life will rush home to their hometown or villages for all festive celebrations.Take this raya festive season for an example; though a huge majority are Malays on the roads, there are some who are just opportunists joining the bandwagon for the raya break.

The same trend goes during Chinese New Year or Christmas festive seasons each year. Regardless of who you are, we need peace, harmony and a great bit of respect for each other on the road so that all will reach their destinations safely. Again we can`t take peace and harmony for granted which enable us to reach the same goal-to reach home to our loved ones and families.

Next coming to accidents on roads during festive rush home, there is no gender or racial count if one flouts road discipline and crosses the line. Subconsciously we Malaysians know we need the peace and harmony in ourselves and hold no compromy when each other `s life is at stake. It is at this time too, we Malaysians learn to be considerate and have loads of patience and tolerance for each other.

Deaths as a result of accidents to be borne by all. It chooses no race or religion. It is a common actuality for all. For your information, 10 fatalities were reported on Saturday (27.9.08), Day 4 of nationwide Ops Sikap XVII. Six of them were motorcyclists, two were car drivers and two were pedestrians. Municipal roads recorded the highest number of accidents with 541 cases, followed by federal roads with 326, state roads with 177, expressways with 106 and other roads with 39(source: The Star,29.9.08).

Police had also issued 8,860 summonses on Saturday to motorists for various offences. This operation, Ops Sikap would cause some inconvenience to those travelling home but it served as a reminder to the people that they had to be careful while driving and untoward accidents can be avoided.

In times of any calamities, we Malaysians would swarm around to help each other.Very good examples where we are proud to testify are the collapse of the Highland Towers, tsunami disaster, Sg.Buluh fireworks factory fire, plight of missing children or sickness etc..etc..At those precious moments, we are just Malaysians binded together with the common goal-to race against time to save lifes. Deaths and good samaritans cut across all race and walks of life.

Who says we Malaysians are not united and can not rise as one nation(bangsa)? No amount of politics can sensitise/enticed us into disintegration. Do not be decieved by irresponsible politician talks and promises.

Peace and harmony is priceless. It is one and free for all but come with responsibilites and great wisdom. It is through these virtues we achieve unity, development and respect. And I believe, we Malaysians will not take things for granted or will want to dwell into a chaotic state of political unrest, economical instability or social decay.

To all my muslim listerners far and near

To others on the road

To others too

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