Tinggalkan komen atau cadangan anda di ruang yang ditetapkan ? Terima kasih. Please leave your comments or suggestions in the comment space as provided respectively.Thank you.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Sweet,sweet sound of conversion in civil-syariah marriages ?????

I am sure many are very familiar with these words ` till death do we part` or perhaps ` .. lets us not put apart what god has put together..`… ahem,ahem very sweet those words sound but sad to say these words hold not much relevancy in today`s marriage or family institution. In an ordinary or even in a mixed marriage, it is already so challenging to hold the family members together what more if suddenly one of the spouse decides to `side- track` and be `converted and governed ` by another set of institutional /religious laws.

Given the seriousness and the impact on non-converting family members there is clearly a need for all Malaysians ( especially non-muslims) to recognize and comprehend the potential consequences of conversion. How do we address the issues for non-converting parties, the husbands and wives as well as the children of those who convert . These are real situations that we can`t just ignore. These religious conflicts though may be extremely sensitive but they are for real.

Given the benefits of doubt, the ill-fated August 9 open dialogue was supposedly set by the Bar Council to openly discuss among the many prominent and respected Muslim non-government organizations, lawyers and academics , the problems between the syariah and the civil jurisdictions and to achieve a sense of mutual agreement on issues of conversion to Islam. This open dialogue was as in the words of the organizers and many others, never intended to question the special position of the Malays or Islam as the religion of the federation as enshrined in the Federal Constitution.

It is bizarre that people are getting so `hypersensitvely emotional`- they protest when there is global food and fuel price hike, they protest and beat up photo-journalist/reporters for attending religious ceramahs and the jest; and more protesting when ordinary people and affected families wish to have insights into the problems of ` conversion` they are facing.Protesting and protesting and more protesting so much so that it seems there is no end to protesting be it good or bad.Sometimes it makes me wonder - Is protesting a quick-fix for issues or a gift from the sweet prize of educational liberalisation and output in this century?

Unless we are more willing to talk and openly to each other about issues that matter, we can`t achieve any sense of mutual agreement what more of integration, respect and unity among ourselves. Standing at 51 now, are we Malaysians more educated, aware and assertive than ever before ? We know sweeping such issues under the carpet and intimidating people from discussing them will not resolve any issues for the affected people. Are such sensitive/difficult issues suppose to remain locked away forever, even if the lives of ordinary Malaysians are negatively impacted?

`Open dialogue and discussion in a peaceful, informative and sincere manner will aid in establishing deeper understanding among the rakyat.` said JAG-Joint Action Group for Gender Equality Organization, Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor, Women`s Centre for Change Penang, All Women`s Action Society and Sisters in Islam. But are we matured/ready to have such open dialogue?

Perhaps the issues impacted the women and children of the non-converting families more , the more urgently we have to re -look at the Law Reform( Marriage and Divorce Act ) so as to cease the uneasiness among the people. Can we amend the laws on civil-syariah issues—`conversion matters ` in such marriages ?

Many would beg to differ but it can be done if we can look at it objectively and not disguise it as some sensitive religious matters—perhaps a close door but transparent and serious talk to start it all over again.

`Goodness is the only investment that never fails`


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Great wisdom from a tiny tweeny voice from far !!!

Dear listeners,
At this challenging times of rising inflation, food and fuel price crisis, and in the heat of a brewing budget and a by-election, I received great words of wisdom from a tiny tweeny voice from far in New Zealand that behold the greatest placing in my thoughts, heart and soul so much that I need to share it with all my Malaysian listeners

Please read and reflect his relevancy

Hi People,

I'm really glad that people are making the initiative to force people into not buying from Petronas. Well saying don't buy from Petronas but is it really going to solve the ultimate problem? I've got a better solution---don't buy at all (or buy less, to be a bit more practical)!Let's face it: it's a FACT that oil resources are depleting everyday....the price's not going to drop anymore....it might level...but not drop...ever. Think of it, even if a miracle did happen and the US managed to extract more from beneath Greenland or somewhere else, will it cure the hunger for petrol? NO! not at this stage of us using it. need I explain how and why?

I think M'sians are very spoilt---not that I'm saying anyone of you are, well I'm a M'sian too. They complain too much. In New Zealand, not only the government doesn't subsidise petrol/oil, they tax us for using it! Yes they freakin do too! I've had enough of people freakin moaning and whining about the petrol prices. HELLO! complaining is not going to change a thing (refer to 1st paragraph). You have to actually do something about it. Like I said, I hear about people complaining all the time about petrol getting expensive...blah blah blah....but they still drive around in their big 4WD and zoom around like nothing's happen, you actually wonder. I don't see any decrease in the volume of cars on the road! How freakin weird! So I really hope that the petrol price increase some more....govt tax some more...and then people will have to think twice about using their cars, and hopefully the tax can be used to subsidise public transport. Yay! and of course will force all the good-for-nothing boy racers off the road as well. Freakin useless bums!

I know...I'm weird.Now, me, on the other hand, complain about it but actually does something about it too! for example I bike to work most days. now, FYI, you (not you) but you as in people out there, it's freakin cold here in winter at 8am. It's frosty and most days my hands go numb when I bike....I'd love to drive to work and be warm! but because I care about the environment and think far ahead and am considerate....ehem....I actually plan my car trips carefully. and of course, driving to work means having to freakin sit in the car in traffic jams....it's not as bad as KL or Penang but hell, i don't like waiting, and I'd rather be on my bike pumping away rather than sit there, shift gear into 'D', move 2m, shift into "N" and so on and so forth. Just like when I was in KL in 2006....well the MRT's not that flash but at least it's a start. was actually cheaper taking the bus from Subang jaya to central KL, but then if you think about all the time wasted just stuck in the freakin traffic jam, i'd rather pay a bit more and take the MRT.

So, we can start a little something here.....instead of just "Not Buying Petronas", can we also not buy Shell, BP, Mobil and whatever the hell's in sale, or at least cut down usage......please.....ok if you're seriously having to buy, can you also boycott Mobil as well? Coz Mobil is evil...see? it even rhymes...yeah long story but it concerns Mobil Exon company ignoring local people's rights and wanting to chase people out of their homelands because they want to make money.....take public transport, carpool whenever possible....i'm not that extremist as to tell you to not use the car at all, meaning no shopping trips, no travelling...now that's a bit unfair...but some people just use to the extreme so because of them the rest of us has to suffer....

So pass this on to people whom you think might agree, or not. maybe we can start an online forum...haha...most of you are so busy anyway so I'd bet not.kudos to those who try their best and make great effort....i'm not perfect but hey ..remember every little bit counts.Anyway, here's my complaint for today...oh and can't swear too much coz there's "adults" in my "to" list :)

have a nice-ish day

Hao Jin
My salute, salute, salute ( 3 ta pek) to you Hao Jin. Because you care, you spoke and we heard.

We need more people like you on this earth especially Malaysia. Now let me put in my 2 sen worth too by leaving you this quote and unquote:-

`People do not always believe what you say but they believe what you do `

Your little ,noble action of biking to work in the cold instead of complaining and driving; is indeed a great step towards the battle against the oil producer.

Yes ! like you say WE as a force can ride through this storm together….


Friday, August 8, 2008

Malaysia in the true spirit!!!

Malaysia would be turning 51 real soon-an age that is deem to be long matured enough to be called a developed country. 51 years of independence had indeed been a long and hard journey.We are proud to possess the many present first class infrastructure.We are proud that we are able to live and work together well for the past 51 years.Unfortunately of late, this true spirit has been eroded and our strength of togetherness is diminishing fast.Whether you are the rich or the poor,the healthy or the sick, the able or disabled, the old or the young, the educated or the uneducated ...etc ; today everybody has different versions of what they want Malaysia to be like for them.

Below is parts of an excrept of a Malaysian wish in the true spirit.It is interesting to read .It also calls for great wisdom to reflect its worthiness.Remember wisdom is knowing which part to believe and be part to be inspired by it.

`..The Malays are 'technically' in power governing the country but it is also this same controlling group that demands the right to correct economic imbalances and disparities for its own race. What does this say about the 'majority governing'Malay race for the last 50 years? I dare say that most Malaysians (regardless of race)below the age of 40 would like to see all opportunities be spread amongst those who deserve it on meritocracy...

....If we continue to expect without earning it, we will never learn how to be a race that succeeds on merit.There is NO substitute for merit. The politicians continue to shout about Malay rights and bumiputera rights because the very nature of our local politics is sadly racially biased.

In this day and age, a great nation is built upon joint success stories, meritocracy and the combined hard work of its people WITHOUT any fear or favour of racial biased politics governing our daily policies.I am below 40 and as much as I love the 'idea' that Malaysia is tanah tumpahnya darah orang Melayu, I can't help but also feel that this country is forALL Malaysians alike including the Chongs, theKumars, the Xaviers, the Sings & Kaurs etc who were born on the same day in the same hospital as me here in Malaysia...

I would also like to see my children succeed in their country,Malaysia, for reasons that true success should be based upon, which are merit and hard work and NOT because they are Malays or bumiputeras. For as long as the Malays don't see this, there is very little point in fighting for Malay rights.It just makes us look more ridiculous. We have taken this notion of being privileged a bit too literally in that it now simply means we want this country and its fruits all for ourselves without accepting the responsibilities that come with it....

... Even with three or five more continuing policies for Malay rights or bumiputera privileges over the next 50 years, we will still be in exactly the same position as we are in today.The truth hurts and the truth will always prevail.And the truth of what's to come will NOT go away. I am cynical perhaps because I feel that Malay rights is NOT relevant anymore.

The right to be safe, to be treated fairly, to have a world-class healthcare and education, to enjoy equal prosperity, to have good governance, to live in a clean environment and to be war-free is what I want for my Malaysia.NOT for MY race to be artificially powerful...

.Shaik Rizal SulaimanPosted by MalaysianUnplug @ Link to This Post

No one can be a perfectionist but one can live up to reality.Time has changed ,people and policy need to change with time too.Living together for the past 51 years has been our strength .There is no place and chance to play with the fire of racism .Racism has to go. Malaysia is for all Malaysians regardless of race.Equality is the mainstream now.Kudos to Rizal for his courageuos wish for him and his children.Hope he can walk his wish..

Be a contributing force and put your wish in this blog-What do you want Malaysia to be at 51? I wish we can have first class mentality that befits our first class infrastucture.We need to produce fast a diligent and intelligent generation of Bangsa Malaysia with good social and work ethics.


Monday, August 4, 2008

EEZ - Bukti Semangat Muhibah Singapura Terhadap Malaysia?

Umpama "Menjolok Sarang Tebuan" – itulah yang dapat dibayangkan apabila Menteri Kanan Singapura, Balaji Sadasivan mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa Singapura mempunyai kawasan perairan wilayah sehingga maksimum 12 batu nautika dan 200 batu nautika kawasan EEZ yang konsisten dengan UNCLOS (sebelum ini Singapura merupakan salah satu pihak yang menandatangani konvensyen berkenaan). Balaji juga berkata, jika had perairan wilayah atau EEZ tersebut bertindih dengan tuntutan negara-negara jiran, Singapura akan berunding dengan negara-negara itu untuk mencapai persetujuan bagi menetapkan had atau batasan mengikut undang-undang antarabangsa.

Sesungguhnya, kenyataan Balaji ini amat memeranjatkan kerana sebelum keputusan hak kedaulatan Pulau Batu Putih ditentukan, bukankah sudah dibentuk Jawatankuasa Teknikal Bersama Malaysia-Singapura? Bukankah selama ini kedua-dua negara telah bersepakat dan berjanji untuk menjadikan jawatankuasa ini sebagai RUJUKAN UTAMA untuk menyelesaikan isu-isu berkaitan keputusan Mahkamah ICJ? Dan bagaimana pula Singapura boleh dengan sewenang-wenangnya menggambarkan seolah-olah hak perairan kawasan tersebut adalah milik mereka?

Menteri Luar, Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim dalam pada itu mengingatkan Singapura bahawa, kedudukan Pulau Batu Putih yang diberikan oleh Mahkamah ICJ pada Mei lalu terlalu dekat dengan Batuan Tengah yang diberikan kepada Malaysia, untuk mereka mengambil tindakan unilateral. Beliau menambah, tidak semudah itu untuk Singapura membuat keputusan unilateral kerana ianya melibatkan pelbagai aspek perundangan seperti undang-undang laut dan ianya memerlukan nasihat daripada pakar-pakar perundangan. Beliau turut menegaskan perkara tersebut hendaklah dibincangkan secara bersama, seiring dengan semangat kejiranan ASEAN.

Dalam pada itu, kenyataan Balaji turut mendapat reaksi daripada pelbagai pihak di Malaysia. Antaranya Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO, pemimpin dan rakyat negeri Johor, Institut Maritim Malaysia(IMM), penganalisis-penganalisis politik, pensyarah-pensyarah universiti, Menteri Pelancongan – Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad dan orang awam.

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dalam ruangan blognya
chedet mengenai Pulau Batu Putih dan Kawasan Perairan menyatakan seperti berikut:

”Tiada keputusan dibuat tentang persempadanan perairan. Tapi kita boleh anggap yang terumbu tersebut berada di dalam perairan Malaysia kerana keputusan untuk serahkan Pulau Batu Putih kepada Singapura didasarkan kepada satu surat yang ditulis pegawai rendah Johor semasa di bawah jajahan British kepada pegawai British di Singapura. Sepatutnya ianya hendaklah dititah dan ditulis di bawah kuasa Sultan.”

”Apa pun soal perairan di antara Pulau Batu putih dan batu-batu tersebut tidak dibangkitkan Singapura di Mahkamah Antarabangsa. Tuntutannya hanyalah ke atas Pulau Batu Putih dan Mahkamah telahpun menyerahkan pulau ini kepada Singapura. Perairan merupakan hal lain sama sekali.”

Secara kasarnya tindakan Singapura menuntut kawasan wilayah perairan dan EEZ di kawasan berkenaan adalah tidak munasabah sama sekali. Sekiranya ingin disandarkan kepada kenyataan Undang-undang Laut (UNCLOS) Konvensyen Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu, seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Institut Maritim Malaysia (IMM), merujuk kepada Artikel 121(3) UNCLOS 1982, yang menyebut batu-batu yang tidak boleh menampung kehidupan manusia atau menjana ekonomi dengan sendirinya tidak akan diberikan EEZ atau pentas benua, sudah jelas bahawa Pulau Batu Putih tidak boleh dianggap sebagai satu penempatan sebaliknya hanya bertindak sebagai batu yang tidak berpenghuni, justeru tidak berhak diambil kira dalam menentukan sempadan EEZnya.

Klausa dalam UNCLOS juga mensyaratkan bahawa tuntutan tidak boleh dibuat sewenang-wenangnya – rundingan dengan negara bersempadan mesti dijalankan sebelum mengesahkan secara terbuka bahawa perairan wilayah sehingga maksimum 12 batu nautika itu adalah miliknya.

Sebenarnya, isu perbalahan mengenai penetapan EEZ bagi negara yang berjiran bukanlah sesuatu yang baru. Ia pernah berlaku kepada negara-negara seperti United Kingdom-Iceland, negara-negara yang berdekatan dengan Laut China Selatan, Turki dan Greece dan sebagainya.

Namun, dengan mengambil kira isu kedaulatan Tubir Selatan (South Ledge) yang masih lagi belum diputuskan dan usaha berterusan yang sedang dilakukan oleh Menteri Luar untuk mencari bukti lanjut bagi mengembalikan kedaulatan Pulau Batu Putih kepada kerajaan Malaysia, sesungguhnya isu ini tidak boleh dipandang ringan. Pengajaran ke atas pemindahan kedaulatan Pulau Batu Putih kepada Singapura sudah cukup untuk menyedarkan kita supaya lebih berwaspada dalam menjalinkan hubungan dua hala dengan negara tersebut.

Meskipun isu ini dilihat boleh diselesaikan secara diplomatik, kerajaan Malaysia diharap akan bersikap lebih tegas dalam mencapai kata sepakat berhubung isu sempadan perairan tersebut. Semangat kejiranan dan persefahaman yang diterapkan dalam ASEAN perlu dikekalkan, namun kita harus beringat, kedaulatan negara juga mesti diutamakan.

Utusan Malaysia, chedet.com, wikipedia


Friday, August 1, 2008

Principles of physic in economics and politics..???

What goes up must come down like a rollercoaster !!! How true is this Newton`s 3rd Law of Gravity in our economy and politics of today ?

Many people will lament that everything will go up, nothing but only the rain will come down and to that too, we are not sure given this global warming problem in the world .

To the people on the streets in Malaysia,we can`t deny this fact.We have seen food prices that has soared , a 41% hike in subsidised fuel prices that had boosted inflation to 7.7% inflation ...etc etc.

We have been promised toll rates will be reduced or removed to ease the burden of the people? People took to the streets in anger and frustration to protest against the government for `No more price hike`and et.al.

Slowly but surely, the people have began to sink into the momentum of this ugly impact of global fuel price hike.Many were starting to set their minds to rethink their wasteful lifestyle and how to grace over this hard and dark times of the economy.But before we can contain it all, we will soon be slamed with another rise- bus fare hike and subsequently to brace for other rises I believe. If Newton is alive today, we will question him what can come down under such circumstances? His law has worked very well for rollercoasters in theme parks.

But my dear friends, one thing for sure has come down recently-global oil price has fallen by 15% from its record high of USD 147.50 a barrel set 2 weeks ago to USD 120.42 with no sign that its decline has ended-a lowest price since June 10 ..kudos for this natural force of economics and the good news is that the Malaysian government is rethinking of restructuring the new fuel subsidy..

Then to the politicians and economists, can we ask what is to set to fall for us with this oil price fall ? Why can`t the oil price at the pump be set down fast as promised ? Is it so hard to allow the principle of physics to take its natural course ?

We want peace,harmony and growth.We know we just can not take to streets to demonstrate our grievances all the time. We have learned such street demos can not deal with the past but we can shape our present and future with better means ..

Differences put aside,come and share with me how we can beat this rising inflation?We together as a force is much,much greater than Newton`s law of gravity or any other law of physics,economics and politics..

`If we believe, there can be miracles..`
