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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Melamine in milk &you- Our rights to know!!!!!!!!!

China milk poisoning incidents make everyone afraid to look at the daily news report. Everyday the reports are changing. No one can clearly tell us what to eat and not to eat. Enforcement seem so lagging that what should be banned is not banned but still looming large on our food production.

For me, the best way to learn is not from hearsay but to ask lots of questions, questions that may seem silly to others but may be a lesson learnt never too late for others.Its our right to know and lobby for safe food.

1.What really is poisoned milk?
It is the milk powder mixed with "MELAMINE". Melamine is an organic compound not soluble in water and does not react to acid.

2. What is Melamine use for?
It is an industrial chemical use in the production of melamine wares.It is safe to use melamine wares for hot food

It is also used in home decoration."US resistant board"got it? Melamine is use in industrial production! It cannot be eaten

3.Why is Melamine added in milk powder?

The most important nutrient in milk is protein. And Melamine has the same protein that contains "NITROGEN"; it has 66% nitrogen mass and is only dangerous in powder form and when added to food.

Adding Melamine in milk reduces milk content and it is cheaper then milk so it lowers capitalization. It can give the business man more profit!

Below is Melamine. It doesn't look like milk! It doesn't have any smell, so it cannot be detected.

4.When was it discovered?

Wayback in the Year 2007 in US when cats and dogs died suddenly. Then they found that pet food from China contained Melamine.

Starting 2008, there was an abnormal increase in infant cases of kidney stones in China:-

August 2008 : China Sanlu Milk Powder was tested with Melamine.
September 2008 : The New Zealand government asked China to check this problem
September 21, 2008 : lots of food products in Taiwan were tested with Melamine

5.What happens when Melamine is digested?

Melamine remains inside the kidney. It forms into stones blocking the tubes. Pain will be eminent and person cannot urinate. Kidney will then swell.Although surgery can remove the stones, but it will cause irreversible kidney damage. It can lead to loss of kidney function and will require kidney dialysis or lead to death because of uremia.

6.What is dialysis?

In fact, it should be called "blood washing". It is filtering all of the body's blood into the machine and then go back to the body. The whole process takes 4 hours and it is necessary to dialysis once for every 3 days for the rest of your life!

A small hole is required in the arm to insert the sub-dialysis catheter

7.Why is it more serious in babies?

Because the kidney is very small and they drink a lot of milk powder. China currenty has 13,000 infants hospitalized. It does not matter how much a human being took Melamine. The important point is "It cannot be EATEN "

8.What are the foods to be avoided?

In this China`poisoned milk` context, foods that contain dairy products should be avoided.Remember: Foods with creamer or milk should be avoided. Or at least check it out with your nearest Ministry of Health department in your country.

9.What do we do next?

Avoid the `above foods` that are found to contain melamine for at least six months. If you have snack bar, restaurant or coffee shops , STOP selling those `dairy products` for the meantime.

Mothers - if you have infants at home, change to mother's milk or find other substitutes.

Women, especially mothers and wives, can champion for the good cause by keeping watch over the food that is supposed to be banned and act accordingly.

Learn to read more carefully the label on your food product and be aware of where and what the product is made from. The bar code will indicate the place/country of origin and the label will inform you of its contents -makeup .

For your information, the first 3 digits of the barcode is the country code wherein the product was made.

Sample all barcodes that start with 690.691.692 until 695 are all MADE IN CHINA. 471 is Made in Taiwan

This is our human rights to know.

00 ~ 13 USA & CANADA
30 ~ 37 FRANCE
40 ~ 44 GERMANY
49 ~ JAPAN
50 ~ UK
57 ~ Denmark
64 ~ Finland
76 ~ Switzerland and Lienchtenstein
628~ Saudi-Arabien
629 ~ United Arab Emirates
740 ~ 745 - Central America
All 480 Codes are Made in the Philippines.

Once again - IT IS OUR HUMAN RIGHTS TO KNOW - yes, to know whether our food is contaminated with Melamine or not. I hope the little information above will make us more informed and help us to understand what the whole world is shouting about.



Friday, October 24, 2008

Is 1929 =2008 ?

Many people equate the great Depression in the 1930s to the present global economic turmoil.Many people too are pondering whether we are heading towards a similar kind of depression- 1929 vs 2008?

What really happend behind the 1929 Wall St. crash that kickstarted the Great Depression?And this is what I learned from the wisdom of investment adviser:-

1.According to Ben Bernake, the US Fed chairman, the main reason behind the 1929 Great Crash was due to the tight monetary policies adopted during that period. He said the high interest rate back then caused the US economy to fall into a recession that led to the market crash in October 1929.

For your information the great depression in the US started in August 1929 and ended only in March 1933. The stock market started to recover eight months before the US economy ended its depression.

2. As the US dollar was backed by gold, the acute selling of dollars for gold resulted in a run on the dollar. The Fed continued to increase the interest rates in an effort to preserve the US dollar. As a result, the high interest rates caused bankruptcies for many companies.

3. To add in all, the massive withdrawals of cash by pancky depositors brought about a total collapse of financial institutions. In that period, bank deposits were uninsured and the collapse of banks caused depositors to lose their savings. And due to the economic uncertainties, surviving banks were reluctant to give out new loans.

4. Another culprit was the margin financing which caused excessive speculation in the stock market. Investors needed only to put up 10% capital and borrow the rest from bank to invest in the stock market. The collpase of stock prices led to margin calls and further selldowns.

5.At the peak of the Great depression, the US uneployment rate hit 25%.

And this is what actually happened to the 2008 crash:-

1.The banking and credit-market crisis was mainly due to property boom and subprime bust. The collapse of the subprime loans sparked the credit crunch which in turn dragged some financial institutions into trouble.

2. As a result of the securitisation and the creation of innovative financial products like collateralised-debts obligations and credit-default swaps, the collpase of one financial institution has a domino effect, leading to the collapse of other financial institutions.

Are we heading for a similar depression?

1.It is believed that given the fast , concerted actions taken by central banks around the world, the global economy will not fall into a depression.

2. It is believed too that the reduction of interest rates and the increase in money supply will help cushion the impact of the credit crunch. Besides , deposits placed with most financial institutions are guaranteed by central banks.

3. Thus it is greatly believed that the economic turmoil will recover faster and the magnitude of the fall will be far less than the one in 1929. The rescue packages being implemented throughout the world will help stabilise the financial system.

So in a layman term, to be prudent at this point of time is the way out of this storm. And the good news is that Malaysians have a high propensity to save. It is only their current savings behaviour that is lacking proper planning.

And my advice to all my listerners far and near--LEARN TO LIVE IN MODERATION AND BE MORE PRUDENT TO WEATHER THIS CRISIS. Rest assure my MALAYSIAN LISTERNERS, we are not heading towards a recession- more probably, an inevitable economic slowdown.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Makan Untuk Hidup?

Berita mengenai pencemaran bahan kimia melamin ditemui dalam produk tenusu China hari ini sama hebatnya dengan pergolakan politik negara. Bagus, ini menandakan masyarakat Malaysia kini semakin prihatin dengan keselamatan tubuh badan mereka.

Kali pertama saya mendengar berita mengenai pencemaran ini adalah menerusi radio negara seberang, Singapura. Tidak lama selepas itu, Menteri Kesihatan Malaysia membuat pengumuman di media bahawa Malaysia tidak ada mengimport sebarang produk susu tepung formula bayi dari China, khususnya produk yang dihasilkan oleh pihak Sanlu Group. Pengumuman dibuat berikutan kes kematian seorang bayi di China manakala lebih 50 bayi lain menghidap penyakit batu karang, dikaitkan dengan pengambilan susu tepung formula bayi yang tercemar dengan melamin yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak Sanlu Group.

Sebenarnya, anda tidak perlu risau sekiranya telah mengambil sebarang produk makanan yang disyaki tercemar dengan melamin. European Commission Directive EC No. 2002/72 telah menetapkan tahap migrasi melamin yang selamat daripada bekas/pembungkus kepada makanan ialah 30 mg/kg makanan. Dalam konteks ini, melamin telah dikesan di dalam minuman, kopi, jus oren, susu fermentasi dalam julat 0.54 – 2.2 mg / kg makanan, di mana ianya berada dalam tahap yang selamat untuk digunakan.

Tentu ada yang tertanya-tanya, apakah kesan melamin terhadap tubuh badan kita? Secara ringkas, kesan melamin secara langsung mengakibatkan iritasi apabila terhidu dan bersentuhan dengan kulit atau mata. Pengambilan melamin melalui makanan juga boleh mengakibatkan kerosakan pada sistem pembiakan dan pembentukkan batu karang dalam ginjal dan pundi kencing. Ini juga boleh mengakibatkan kegagalan ginjal terutamanya kepada bayi.

Walau bagaimanapun, sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga, KKM telah mengenakan tindakan Pemeriksaan Tahap 6 (Auto Rejection) kepada semua produk susu tepung formula bayi dari China buat sementara waktu melalui Sistem Maklumat Keselamatan Makanan Malaysia (Food Safety Information System of Malaysia – FoSIM).

Oleh yang demikian, semua produk susu tepung formula bayi dari China tidak dibenarkan diimport ke Malaysia buat masa ini. Perlu diketahui bahawa kesan melamin kepada manusia adalah kurang berbanding dengan haiwan kerana jangka hayat melamin adalah 3 jam dan ianya tidak berkumpul di dalam badan dan dikeluarkan melalui perkumuhan buah pinggang sebagai air kencing.

Baru-baru ini kerajaan mendapati kandungan melamin turut terdapat pada produk pertanian China seperti buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran. Justeru, anda diingatkan supaya sentiasa memeriksa label makanan untuk memastikan ianya benar-benar selamat untuk dimakan. Bagi saya, cara yang paling mudah: Gunakanlah produk tempatan. Bak kata pepatah, “Mencegah lebih baik daripada Mengubati”

**Anda boleh mendapatkan maklumat lanjut mengenai pengesahan produk dan berita-berita terkini berkaitan melamin
di sini**

sumber : Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia


Monday, October 6, 2008

Don`t let trouble troubles you until troubles trouble you

On the first day of Hari Raya (1.10.08) and in the true spirit of a Malaysian Raya celebration, the Prime Minister and his muslim cabinet ministers hosted a Raya Open house in PWTC for the rakyat.

My dear listeners,especially my foreign listeners, Open house in a layman term, is liken hosting a big lunch or dinner to celebrate an occasion where people of all walks and race have a chance and avenue to get together to greet each other in peace and harmony, to get acquainted or enhanced friendship in a true community and festive spirit .

In Malaysia, Open house has become an indirect unifying factor that holds every citizen together.It is here everybody puts his or her differences aside in the true Malaysian spirit to celebrate and rejoice together in that particular occasion in-holding.Often too, in such open house celebration, the people on the street get to openly meet in person their Prime Minister and other cabinet ministers. Likewise in the village level, every household will look forward to such open house.

My dear listeners, especially those who hear from the hearsay at the international front, we heard there was a showdown by a group of sour-grape Hindraf
supporters who were there not for the festive celebration but to protest their grimances in the name of democracy.Supposedly they were to hand to the Prime Minister a teddy bear and a card and to ask him to release their five counterparts who are presently detained under ISA.But their approach was very disruptive to the festive occasion there.

These Hindraf supporters came and undermined the peace in the hall.In spite of their disrespectful acts and behaviours,the police allowed them into the hall to celebrate the occasion together with the rest of the guests-because they are invited too like any other people on the street.But their presence and actions were indeed MIND-less in spite of Prime Minister`s big hearted invitation and welcome to them.

Many who were there would say, amongst these:- ` Don`t let trouble troubles you till troubles trouble you!`... `Open houses are no platform to voice ISA or any other issues or grimances.`...`We can`t liken Open House as like protesting in front of the White House.`...` This is not democracy. It is a mockery of a sincere Raya Open House invitation !`

My dear listerners, ISA (Internal Security Act) in Malaysia is all about public order and safety.It is not draconian.It is liken to the United Kingdom Terrorist Act. Historically, ISA was used against those involved in subversive activities such as communists insurgency, Konfrontasi threats or any violent insurrection. Between 1948-1960, it was known then as the Public Order Emergency Ordinance.It was only in 1 August 1960 that ISA Act (Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negara 1960) was passed by the Parlimen and extended to Sabah and Sarawak in 1963.

It had in the past successfully been used to curb the religious and racial riots as like in the May 13 1969, Operasi Lalang in 1987 , Kg. Rawa in 1998 and Kg Medan in 2001. It had also been used on religious deviants such as the Al-Arqam Group in 1994, Al-Maunah Group in 2000, Malaysia Mujahidin Group in 2001 , and on terrorist threats as in Jemaah Islam Group in 2001 and the Darul Islam Group in 2005.

In the present context, ISA is used as a preventive law to handle threats to public order and peace. ISA is not about taking actions after threats occur but taking preventive actions before something happens.It is still relevant in the present context of public order and peace as the form and degree of crime and threats have over time evolved to great complexicity.We can`t be complacent especially when mankind has soared to such high level of intelligience.

You may ask what is public order and peace that needs ISA ? Well firstly,it is about the actions and behaviours of someone that are established to pose a threat to national security and public order such as causing conflicts, riots and civil war or provoking hatred towards religious, racial and cultural issues.

Secondly, actions that can affect the national economy such as crippling the country`s economy and scaring away investors . Syndicated activities such as producing fake identity cards and passports are also threats to national security.

Thirdly, ISA can also be used against those who threaten or disrupt essential services such as Tenaga Nasional Berhad and Radio Television Malaysia Services.

ISA has always been known as a detention law without trial under the jurisdiction of the Home Minister. Under section 73(1) of the ISA Act, the police are empowered to take preventive action by detaining without warrant any party considered as a threat to national security and order. Under this Act, the police is allowed to detain someone for 24 hours, 2 days or a week within the maximum period of 60 days for further investigation. If within this period, there is no evidence to establish that there is a threat posed by the detainee, the police can release him.It is entirely up to the discretion of the police.The police do not need permission to detain or release detainees but the police will inform the Home Minister as the matter will eventually be of public interest.

This type of detention is not a criminal offence and the detainee is not accused under the Penal Code or the Sedition Act.Their detention areas are different for those detained under different acts.Those under remand are detained in a lock-up while ISA detainees have their own cells.ISA detainees also have the rights to apply habeas corpus to meet their families and seek legal representation.

Under section 8(1) of the ISA Act, the Minister can order a detention of 2 years if he is satisfied that it is necessary to prevent that person from acting in a manner prejudicial to the country`s security.This is to facilitate police in deeper and further investigations.

For the sake of national security , public peace and order, we still need such laws to protect our country especially in this modern time of terrorism and globalisation. Let us not politicalise such issues but be more rationale less our country fall prey to these `silent Terror..ism` that can cause unrest and further undue economic downturn.

Democracy or freedom in any form still exists in this country but it must be excercised with responsibilty and in adherence to the law. Don`t let trouble troubles you till troubles trouble you. Be mindful of the laws of the country that you are residing in.

`There are two kinds of lawyers,those who know the law and those who know the judge.`-Hitler

So when you are in Rome, do what the Romans do--adapt, adjust and accomodate !!!!!!!!!
