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Thursday, November 11, 2010

What the modern woman wants...?

A good piece to share
A Singapore girl wins Commonwealth essay prize, in a writing contest that drew 5,300 entries from 52 countries...

In the annual Commonwealth Essay Competition, Amanda Chong of
Raffles Girls' School (Secondary) chose to compete in the older category and won with a piece on the restlessness of modern life.

Her short story, titled What The Modern Woman Wants, focused on the
conflict in values between an old lady and her independent-minded daughter.

'Through my story, I attempted to convey the unique East-vs-West
struggles and generation gaps that I felt were characteristic of young people in my country,' said Amanda, who likes drama, history and literature and wants to become a lawyer and a politician.


What the Modern Woman Wants...
By Amanda Chong Wei-Zhen

The old woman sat in the backseat of the magenta convertible as it
careened down the highway, clutching tightly to the plastic bag on her lap, afraid it may be kidnapped by the wind. She was not used to such speed, with trembling hands she pulled the seat belt tighter but was careful not to touch the patent leather seats with her callused fingers, her daughter had warned her not to dirty it, 'Fingerprints show very clearly on white, Ma.'

Her daughter, Bee Choo, was driving and talking on her sleek silver
mobile phone using big words the old woman could barely understand.
'Finance', 'Liquidation', 'Assets', 'Investments'... Her voice was crisp and
important and had an unfamiliar lilt to it.

Her Bee Choo sounded like one of those foreign girls on television.
She was speaking in an American accent.The old lady clucked her tongue in disapproval...... 'I absolutely cannot have this. We have to sell!' Her daughter exclaimed agitatedly as she stepped on the accelerator; her perfectly manicured fingernails gripping onto the steering wheel in irritation.

'I can't DEAL with this anymore!' she yelled as she clicked the
phone shut and hurled it angrily toward the backseat.. The mobile phone hit the old woman on the forehead and nestled soundlessly into her lap. She calmly picked it up and handed it to her daughter..

'Sorry, Ma,' she said, losing the American pretence and switching
to Mandarin. 'I have a big client in America . There have been a lot of

The old lady nodded knowingly. Her daughter was big and important.

Bee Choo stared at her mother from the rear view window, wondering
what she was thinking. Her mother's wrinkled countenance always carried the same cryptic look. The phone began to ring again, an artificially cheerful digital tune, which broke the awkward silence.

'Hello, Beatrice! Yes, this is Elaine.' Elaine. The old woman cringed. I didn't name her Elaine. She remembered her daughter telling her, how an English name was very important for 'networking', Chinese ones
being easily forgotten.

'Oh no, I can't see you for lunch today. I have to take the ancient relic to the temple for her weird daily prayer ritual.' Ancient Relic. The old woman understood perfectly it was referring to her. Her daughter always assumed that her mother's silence meant she did not comprehend.

'Yes, I know! My car seats will be reeking of joss sticks!' The old woman pursed her lips tightly, her hands gripping her plastic bag in

The car curved smoothly into the temple courtyard. It looked almost garish next to the dull sheen of the ageing temple's roof. The old
woman got out of the back seat, and made her unhurried way to the main hall. Her daughter stepped out of the car in her business suit and stilettos and reapplied her lipstick as she made her brisk way to her mother's side.

'Ma, I'll wait outside.. I have an important phone call to make,' she said, not bothering to hide her disgust at the pungent fumes of incense. The old lady hobbled into the temple hall and lit a joss stick, she knelt down solemnly and whispered her now familiar daily prayer to the Gods. Thank you God of the Sky, you have given my daughter luck all these years. Everything I prayed for, you have given her. She has everything a young woman in this world could possibly want. She has a big house with a swimming pool, a maid to help her, as she is too clumsy to sew or cook. Her love life has been blessed; she is engaged to a rich and handsome angmoh man. Her company is now the top financial firm and even men listen to what she says... She lives the perfect life. You have given her everything except happiness. I ask that the gods be merciful to her even if she has lost her roots while reaping the harvest of success.

What you see is not true, she is a filial daughter to me. She gives me a room in her big house and provides well for me. She is rude to me only because I affect her happiness.. A young woman does not want to be hindered by her old mother. It is my fault.

The old lady prayed so hard that tears welled up in her eyes. Finally, with her head bowed in reverence she planted the half-burnt joss stick into an urn of smoldering ashes.

She bowed once more. The old woman had been praying for her daughter for thirty-two years. When her stomach was round like a melon, she came to the temple and prayed that it was a son. Then the time was ripe and the baby slipped out of her womb, bawling and adorable with fat thighs and pink cheeks, but unmistakably, a girl. Her husband had ticked and punched her for producing a useless baby who could not work or carry the family name.

Still, the woman returned to the temple with her new-born girl tied to her waist in a sarong and prayed that her daughter would grow up and have everything she ever wanted.

Her husband left her and she prayed that her daughter would never
have to depend on a man. She prayed every day that her daughter would be a great woman, the woman that she, meek and uneducated, could never become. A woman with nengkan; the ability to do anything she set her mind to. A woman who commanded respect in the hearts of men. When she opened her mouth to speak, precious pearls would fall out and men would listen. She will not be like me, the woman prayed as she watched her daughter grow up and drift away from her, speaking a language she scarcely understood..

She watched her daughter transform from a quiet girl to one who
openly defied her, calling her laotu, old fashioned.... She wanted her mother to be 'modern', a word so new there was no Chinese word for it. Now her daughter was too clever for her and the old woman wondered why she had prayed like that. The Gods had been faithful to her persistent prayer, but the wealth and success that poured forth so richly had buried the girl's roots and now she stood faceless with no identity, bound to the soil of her ancestors by only a string of origami banknotes.

Her daughter had forgotten her mother's value. Her wants were so
ephemeral, that of a modern woman. Power, wealth, access to the best fashion boutiques and yet her daughter had not found true happiness.The old woman knew that you could find happiness with much less. When her daughter left the earth, everything she had would count for nothing. People would look to her legacy and say that she was a great woman but she would be forgotten once the wind blows over, like the ashes of burnt paper convertibles and mansions.

The old woman wished she could go back and erase all her big hopes
and prayers for her daughter now that she had looked out of the temple gates. She saw her daughter speaking on the phone, her brow furrowed with anger and worry. Being at the top is not good, the woman thought, there is only one way to go from there – down.

The old woman carefully unfolded the plastic bag and spread out a
packet of beehoon in front of the altar. Her daughter often mocked her for worshipping porcelain Gods. How could she pray to them so faithfully and expect pieces of ceramic to fly to her aid? But her daughter had her own gods too, idols of wealth, success and power that she enslaved to and worshipped every day of her life.

Every day was a quest for the idols, and the idols she worshipped
counted for nothing in eternity. All the wants her daughter had would slowly suck the life out of her and leave her, an empty souless shell at the altar. The old woman watched the joss stick. The dull heat had left a teetering grey stem that was on the danger of collapsing.

Modern woman nowadays, the old lady signed in resignation, as she
bowed to the east bone final time to end her ritual. Modern woman nowadays want so much that they lose their souls and wonder whey they cannot find it. Her joss stick disintegrated into a soft grey powder. She met her daughter outside the temple, the same look of worry and frustration was etched on her daughter's face.

An empty expression, as if she was ploughing through the soil of her wants looking for the one thing that would sown the seeds of happiness.They climbed into the convertible in silence and her daughter drove along the highway, this time not to fast as she had done before.‘Ma,’ Bee Choo finally said. "I don't know how to put this. Mark and I have been talking about it and we plan to move out of the big house. The property market is good now, and we managed to get a buyer willing to pay us seven million for it. We decided we'd prefer a cosier penthouse apartment instead. We found a perfect one in Orchard Road .. Once we move into our apartment, we plan to get rid of the maid, so we can have more space to ourselves....."

The old woman nodded knowingly. Bee Choo swallowed hard. "We'd
get someone to come in to do the housework and we can eat out – but once the maid is gone, there won't be anyone to look after you. You will be awfully lonely at home and, besides that the apartment is rather small. There won't be space. We thought about it for a long time, and we decided the best thing for you is if you moved to a Home. There's one near Hougang – it's a Christian home and a very nice one."

The old woman did not raise an eyebrow. I"ve been there, the matron is willing to take you in. It's beautiful with gardens and lots of old people to keep you company! Hardly have time for you, you'd be happier there." "You'd be happier there, really." her daughter repeated as if to affirm herself.

This time the old woman had no plastic bag of food offering to cling tightly to, she bit her lip and fastened her seat belt, as if it would protect her from a daughter who did not want her anymore. She sunk deep into the leather seat, letting her shoulders sag and her fingers trace the white seat.

Ma, her daughter asked, searching the rear view window for hermother. "Is everything okay?

What had to be done, had to be done. "Yes" she said firmly, louder than she intended, 'if it will make you happy,' she added more quietly..

‘It's for you, Ma! You will be happier there. You can move there tomorrow, I already got the maid to pack your things.' Elaine said triumphantly, mentally ticking yet another item off her agenda.'I knew everything would be fine.' Elaine smiled widely; she felt liberated. Perhaps getting rid of her mother would make her happier... She had thought about it. It seemed the only hindrance in her pursuit of happiness. She was happy now. She had everything a modern woman ever wanted; money, status, career, love, power and now freedom without her mother and her old-fashioned ways to weigh her down......

Yes she was free. Her phone butted urgently, she picked it up and
read the message, still beaming from ear to ear. "Stock 10% increase."Yes, things were definitely beginning to look up for her and while searching for the meaning of life in the luminance of her hand phone screen, the old woman in the backseat became invisible and she did not see her in tears.


Awesome and how relevant it is in today`s world with our Generation Y...

So fellow friends, I just cant help but to think - Is life fair to us? For all those successful beings, had they ever asked how much have we parents done for them-putting so much to their growing up and education and bla..bla..till there is nothing left in our twilight days but to rely on them ? On the other hand, for those who had failed in the lifes, parents are to be blamed. Do we not have any voice in puttng up our disgruntles less we are not liked by them? Are we to accept it as just a social norm between eastern -western values/so called generataion gap problem/ its the way western education liberation behold?

Some may deem it as a warning to save enough for your old age and don't try to rely on your children. Your responsibility is to give them the necessary education/training and life after that is theirs. If they chose to look after you, it is a bonus and thank God for it.

For me, I call it ungratefulness, at least be grateful for all that the parents had done for them cos any parents will not ask much of them but gratitude and honour. We have to put a stop to this kind of decaying values in our children and children-slam some humanity in them, what more its the gratitude to their parenst they have to remember !!!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

How to seal a bag airtight , the green way ?

Seeing is believing and it is so simple. Kudos to this great brain that came up with this idea

How to seal a bag and make it air-tight!

Cut up a disposable plastic water bottle and keep the neck and top as shown in the picture

Insert the plastic bag through the neck and screw the top – to seal.

Wow , what a fantastic idea!!!!!

The truth is the bottle is made to be air-tight and as such water will not leak.

The secret lies with the top and screw!

This is a great idea to share. Good for us and the environment too.

Is this not call an indigenious innovation, huh ?

Go Green 1Malaysia -this can be the beginning and way, and No big EPP needed for this innovation too.



Saturday, September 4, 2010

Dad, how was I born?

Hi my dear friends, my apologies for being away for a while. On the same subject of humanity in you, I am utmost amaze at how baby dunmping is still an increasing issue among our teens..

Many ideas/ suggestions had been put forward as to how to solve the problem; amongst which were setting up of baby hatches, pregnant girl school and implementing sex education in school and bla..bla...Say what you like, discusiing sex or giving sex prep is not a norm in our Malaysian society even if we call ourselves living in a modern so called gobalised IT world..

For example- What would you say if your kid is to ask ` Dad, how was I born

And this was what I was told when ... A little boy goes to his father and asks 'Daddy, how was I born?'

The father answers, 'Well, son, I guess one day you will need to find out

anyway! Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, and goggled each other. There your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said:

??????? ??



YOU GOT MALE !!!!!!!!!!

Interseting, huh? And so technical and IT savy too? No wonder so many babies are made in this IT savy society via the ` social network wed-lock ', and dumped as if it is deleted on the internet, huh ?

Have you any better ideas as to how this issue of baby boom from this type of social network wed-lock be solved? Baby dumping is inhumane!


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Slam some humanity in you !!!..

NAIROBI (AFP) - A baby hippopotamus that survived the tsunami waves on the Kenyan coast, has formed a strong bond with a giant male century-old tortoise in an animal facility in the port city of Mombassa , officials said.

The hippopotamus,nicknamed Owen and weighing about 300 kilograms (650 pounds), was swept down Sabaki River into the Indian Ocean , then forced back to shore when tsunami waves struck the Kenyan coast on December 26, before wildlife rangers rescued him.

'It is incredible. A-less-than-a-year-old hippo has adopted a male tortoise, about a century old, and the tortoise seems to be very happy with being a 'mother',' ecologist Paula Kahumbu, who is in charge of Lafarge Park , told AFP.

'After it was swept away and lost its mother,the hippo was traumatized. It had to look for something to be a surrogate mother. Fortunately, it landed on the tortoise and established a strong bond.They swim, eat and sleep together,' the ecologist added.

'The hippo follows the tortoise exactly the way it followed its mother. If somebody approaches the tortoise, the hippo becomes aggressive, as if protecting its biological mother,' Kahumbu added

'The hippo is a young baby, he was left at a very tender age and by nature, hippos are social animals that like to stay with their mothers for four years,' he explained.

'Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.'

This is a real story that shows that our differences don't matter much when we need the comfort of another

In the words of Rachel Naomi Remen, MD-
'Much of life can never be explained, only witnessed.'

For some - `The greatness of humanity is not in being human, but in being humane.`

Hope this story will bring those surrogate mothers who had thrown away their new born babies to shame and dump some senses into them-even animals also have better instinct and humanity, huh?

Remember the baby-hatch is no answer to such sinful, merciless and irresponsible acts of dumping your newborns. I hope those babies that had died in these baby -dumping ordeals will haunt those guilty souls till end and to those babies that had survived would bring punishment to those who had done these dumpings discreetly.



Friday, May 7, 2010

To be a Mother ?

For those lucky to still be blessed with your Mom, this is beautiful.
For those of us who aren't, this is even more beautiful.
For those who are moms, you'll love this.

A young mother set her foot on the path of life.
'Is this the long way?' she asked.
And the guide said: 'Yes, and the way is hard . And you will be old before you reach the end of it.. But the end will be better than the beginning.'

But the young mother was happy and she would not believe that anything could be better than those years. So she played with her children, gathered flowers for them along the way, bathed them in the clear streams; and when the sun shone on them, the young Mother cried, 'Nothing will ever be lovelier than this.'

Then the night came and the storm. The path was dark and the children shook with fear and cold. The mother drew them close and covered them with her mantle and the children said,
'Mother, we are not afraid, for you are near, and no harm can come.'

And when the morning came, there was a hill ahead .The children climbed and grew weary, and the mother was weary. But at all times she said to the children, 'A little patience and we are there.'
So the children climbed and when they reached the top they said, 'Mother, we would not have done it without you.'

And the mother, when she lay down at night looked up at the stars and said, 'This is a better day than the last, for my children have learned fortitude in the face of hardness. Yesterday I gave them courage. Today, I've given them strength.'

And the next day came strange clouds which darkened the earth, clouds of war and hate and evil, and the children groped and stumbled, and the mother said: ' Look up. Lift your eyes to the light.'

And the children looked and saw above the clouds an everlasting glory, and it guided them beyond the darkness.
And that night the Mother said, 'This is the=2 0best day of all, for I have shown my children God.'

And the days went on, and the weeks and the months and the years. The mother grew old and she was little and bent. But her children were tall and strong, and walked with courage.

And when the way was rough, they lifted her, for she was as light as a feather; and at last they came to a hill, and beyond they could see a shining road and golden gates flung wide.

And mother said, 'I have reached the end of my journey. And now I know the end is better than the beginning, for my children can walk alone, and their children after them.'

And the children said, 'You will always walk with us, Mother, even when you have gone through the gates.'
And they stood and watched her as she went on alone, and the gates closed after her.
And they said: 'We cannot see her but she is with us still.
A Mother like ours is more than a memory.
She is a living presence.......'

Yes friends, your Mother is always with you....
She's the whisper of the leaves as you walk down the street;
she's the smell of bleach in your freshly laundered socks;
she's the cool hand on your brow when you're not well.
Your Mother lives inside your laughter.
And she's crystallized in every tear drop.
She's the place you came from, your first home;
and she's the map you follow with every step you take.
She's your first love and your first heartbreak,
and nothing on earth can separate you.

Not time, not space... not even death!

So to all those woman who are mothers, HAPPY MOTHER`S DAY.

For those who aren`t , including men and children, MOTHERS ARE PRICELESS , NEVER TAKE THEM FOR GRANTED .

and to those who had mothers no more, MOTHERS ARE FOREVER, THEY LIVE IN YOU.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Half Man - Half Price Store

In life we keep complaining about what is or why we don't have.
Half the time we seem dissatisfied, though full-bodied and free to choose. Fat people say,"I want to be slim." Skinny people say,"I want to be fatter."
Poor people want to be rich and rich are never satisfied with what they have


PENG Shuilin is 78cms high. He was born in Hunan Province, China.

In 1995, in Shenzhen, a freight truck sliced his body in half.

His lower body and legs were beyond repair.

Surgeons sewed up his torso.

Peng Shuilin, 37, spent nearly two years in hospital in Shenzhen, southern China,

undergoing a series of operations to re-route nearly every major organ or system inside his body.

Peng kept exercising his arms, building up strength, washing his face and brushing his teeth.

He survived against all odds.

Now Peng Shulin has astounded doctors by learning to walk again after a de

Considering Peng's plight, doctors at the China Rehabilitation Research Centre in Beijing

devised an ingenious way to allow him to walk on his own,

creating a sophisticated egg cup-like casing to hold his body, with two bionic legs attached.

It took careful consideration, skilled measurement and technical expertise.

Peng has been walking the corridors of Beijing Rehabilitation Centre

with the aid of his specially adapted legs and a resized walking frame.

RGO is a recipicating gait orthosis, attached to a prosthetic socket bucket.

There is a cable attached to both legs so when one goes forward, the other goes backwards.

Rock to the side, add a bit of a twist and the leg without the weight on it advances,

while the other one stays still, giving a highly inefficient way of ambulation.

Oh so satisfying to 'walk' again after ten years with half a body!

Hospital vice-president Lin Liu said: "We've just given him a checkup; he is fitter than most men his age."

Peng Shuilin has opened his own bargain supermarket,

called the Half Man-Half Price Store.

The inspirational 37-year-old has become a businessman

and is used as a role model for other amputees.

At just 2ft 7ins tall, he moves around in a wheelchair giving lectures on recovery from disability.

His attitude is amazing, he doesn't complain.

"He had good care, but his secret is cheerfulness. Nothing ever gets him down."

You have a whole body. You have feet.
Now you have met a man who has no feet.
His life is a feat of endurance, a triumph of the human spirit in overcoming extreme adversity.
Next time you want to complain about something trivial, don't.
Remember Peng Shulin instead.


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Are PTK exams the right step towards competency?

Of late the government stress on life-long learning in the name of producing knowledge workers towards the goal of achieving the status of a high-income economy / country !! Many initiatives are fast put in place . Amongst which are the call for compulsory 7 days-course and competency exams for the Malaysians civil servants...bravo !!!! Also in line with the concept 1 Malaysia: People first, Performance now; roadshows are rolled out to inform the civil servants about the latest changes in the structure of the PTK exams and the government aspiration.

As to those who lamented that they are over the hill to take those competency exams (especially those who had but rather hate or have no time to read tons of management books to qualify), dont despair. Let`s us help you out in that..

Below is amongst some helplines send to us for that matter-praise you whoever you are for your brainy interpretation..

Sorry Stephen Covey that is the way old hens whose feathers that are near dropped off(old ah bengs), learn your famous 7 habits of highly effective people.

And to my fellows friends who need to go for your competency exams, cheer up and let this motivate you.

To exams, to exams you must go

Home again,home again, jiggety-go

To exams, to exams next year you must go again

Work again,work again, this the way to gain

Stephen Covey be a sweet, have more simpler versions fast

Cos to jump grades, many exams got to pass... ????

Good luck and be positive- PTK Exams are for transformation in you..!!!!


Thursday, March 18, 2010

What a guts-right son...?

Of late I heard of many issues concerning caring for our parents.Some have even urged the government to build more Old Folks Home to cater for the greying population while some old folks themselves say they do not mind staying in such homes as long as they do not burden their busy children. Are we Asians forgetting about our filial duties in caring for our aged parents? Or is it because we are so self-centred in coping for ourselves in this rat race that we have no place for them in our homes and heart?

As I ponder more, I came across this story told by a son of his father which I term- you did the right thing WHAT A GUTS-RIGHT SON ?? A ONE TOO FEW THAT WE HAVE. HOW I WISH I CAN HAVE you AS MY SON TOO. Please read well as it brings sad emotions to my heart.

A simple man tells how his booking an air ticket for his father, his first flight, brought emotions and made him realize that how much we all take for granted when it comes to our parents.

My parents left for our native place on Thursday and we went to the airport to see them off. In fact, my father had never traveled by air before, so I just took this opportunity to make him experience the same.

In spite of being asked to book tickets by train, I got them tickets on Flight.

The moment I handed over the tickets to him, he was surprised to see that I had booked them by air.

The excitement was very apparent on his face, waiting for the time of travel. Just like a school boy, he was preparing himself on that day and we all went to the airport, right from using the trolley for his luggage, the baggage check-in and asking for window seat and waiting restlessly for the security check-in to happen.

He was thoroughly enjoying himself and I, too, was overcome with joy watching him experience all these things.

As they were about to go in for the security check-in, he walked up to me with tears in his eyes and thanked me. He became very emotional and it was not as if I had done something great but the fact that this meant a great deal to him.

When he said thanks, I told him there was no need to thank me.

But later, thinking about the entire incident, I looked back at my life.

As a child how many dreams our parents have made come true. Without understanding the financial situation, we ask for football, dresses, toys, outings, etc. Irrespective of their affordability, they have satisfied all our needs. Did we ever think about the sacrifices they had to make to accommodate many of our wishes?

Did we ever say thanks for all that they have done for us?

Same way, today when it comes to our children, we always think that we should put them in a good school. Regardless of the amount of donation, we will ensure that we will have to give the child the best, theme parks, toys, etc. But we tend to forget that our parents have sacrificed a lot for our sake to see us happy, so it is our responsibility to ensure that their dreams are realized and what they failed to see when they were young, it is our responsibility to ensure that they experience all those and their life is complete.

Many times, when my parents had asked me some questions, I have actually answered back without patience. When my daughter asks me something, I have been very polite in answering. Now I realize how they would have felt at those moments.

Let us realize that old age is a second childhood and just as we take care of our children,the same attention and same care need to be given to our parents and elders.

Rather than my dad saying thank you to me, I would want to say sorry for making him wait so long for this small dream. I do realize how much he has sacrificed for my sake and I will do my best to give the best possible attention to all their wishes.

Just because they are old does not mean that they will have to give up everything and keep sacrificing for their grandchildren also. They have wishes, too.

Take care of your parents.

All sons and daughters out there HAVE A PURPOSEFUL LIFE for your turn will soon come like your aged parents!! Remember too, old folks home or nursing homes are for those who are sick and bed ridden in their twilight years.

Carry a Heart that Never Hates.

Carry a Smile that Never Fades.

Carry a Touch that Never Hurts..


Friday, February 5, 2010

Free medical clinics at your service-try it out

Yesterday January 4 was World Cancer Day. To those with health holds no meaning to it but to those who had gone through a cancer journey ,their amazing stories of hope in despair never fail to relate to one another in love and harmony. And for those who are awaiting for that bad C-news from their medical report, it is a torturing moment.

There are many contributing causes to Cancer and so too are there many ways we can help to prevent it.The bottom line is that one needs to be informed and make right choices ,if not at least making an effort to a yearly health check up.

Below is the list of 1 Malaysia clinic at your service if you need free medical service. Do not procrastinate!!!! Take the brave step to these clinics if you need it. They are free medical facilities setup to help the masses.


Here let me also share with you some Cancer news from John Hopkin University-what can cause the big bad C ?

A dioxin chemical causes cancer,especially breast cancer. Dioxins are highly poisonous to cells of our bodies.

We should not be heating our food in microwave using plastic containers. This especially applies to food that contain fats because the combination of fat, high heat and plastics release dioxin into the food and eventually into our body cells. We should be using glass like Corning ware, pyrex or ceramic wares. Food in foam containers too should be removed from the container and be heated in something else.

Don`t freeze your plastic bottles with water in them as this release dioxins from the plastics.

Plastic wraps such as Saran, is just as dangerous when placed over food to be cooked in the microwave. As food is nuked, high heat causes poisonous dioxin to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food. Better to cover the food with towel instead.

My dear friends, this article is also being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Centre as well.

Good luck and good health to all my fellow friends-remember your health is in your hands.

If any irresponsible parties are playing up racial and religious tension/ elements , please take a trip to oncology wards and be inspired by the spirit of 1 MALAYISA brewing there - see how Malaysian from all walks of life relate to one another in love , harmony and in solidarity despite difficult situation.
