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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Are PTK exams the right step towards competency?

Of late the government stress on life-long learning in the name of producing knowledge workers towards the goal of achieving the status of a high-income economy / country !! Many initiatives are fast put in place . Amongst which are the call for compulsory 7 days-course and competency exams for the Malaysians civil servants...bravo !!!! Also in line with the concept 1 Malaysia: People first, Performance now; roadshows are rolled out to inform the civil servants about the latest changes in the structure of the PTK exams and the government aspiration.

As to those who lamented that they are over the hill to take those competency exams (especially those who had but rather hate or have no time to read tons of management books to qualify), dont despair. Let`s us help you out in that..

Below is amongst some helplines send to us for that matter-praise you whoever you are for your brainy interpretation..

Sorry Stephen Covey that is the way old hens whose feathers that are near dropped off(old ah bengs), learn your famous 7 habits of highly effective people.

And to my fellows friends who need to go for your competency exams, cheer up and let this motivate you.

To exams, to exams you must go

Home again,home again, jiggety-go

To exams, to exams next year you must go again

Work again,work again, this the way to gain

Stephen Covey be a sweet, have more simpler versions fast

Cos to jump grades, many exams got to pass... ????

Good luck and be positive- PTK Exams are for transformation in you..!!!!

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