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Friday, June 6, 2008

The price paid for globalisation ????????

Effective from 5.6.08,consumers in Malaysia have to pay RM 2.70 per litre for petrol and RM 2.58 per litre for diesel.And come July 1,electricity rates too will be increased.

Are we Malaysians going down well with this new fuel price while the Singaporeans heave a great relief with the lifting of the foreign car fuel ? Did you know that
India who also faces surging global crude oil cost like us ,also had to raise petrol prices to cut losses at the state oil firms.

Like it or not,this fuel price hike had stirred widespread political anger and worries about higher inflation here and there.Both the Indian and Malaysian governments cited the same ground-they could not sustain fuel subsidy anymore and had to practise prudent fiscal policies to enjoy continued strong growth.

Some anaylsts say there is no shortage of oil in the world and its present price level was driven up by unreal speculation by the speculators and hedge funds.In this globalised world, this event or that will affect each other in a `live- vicious cycle`-no one is sparred.This is the price we pay for globalisation.Even if we resort to street demonstration, we can`t beat the globalised forces.

If the government can save RM 13.7 billions from fuel subsidy and give back to the rakyat through rebates and other forms of subsidies--RM 4 billion for National Food Supply Guarantee Policy,RM 1.5billion for subsidising cooking oil , RM 400 million to subsidise rice imports,RM 200 million on flour subsidy,RM 100million on bread subsidy and RM 5 billion for motorist rebates..why don`t we give ourselves a chance to beat it?

Why don`t we braced ourselves more realistically , to think rationally and to come up fast with many more ways to overcome this ugly force of globalisation ...


"Everyone thinks of changing the world,

But no one thinks of changing himself."

- Leo Tolstoy-


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Ari nie saya terdengar kata kerajaan janji harga minyak tak akan naik lagi sehingga mac tahun depan.-betul ke? susah nak percaya?
Kami faham harga naik & naik lagi pasal nie semua kerja kuasa global & di luar kawalan tapi mengapa kerajaan federal tak boleh duduk sama dengan kerajaan pakatan fikir cara bgm nak menyelamatkan rakyat dan ekonomi daripda tak habis-habis tuduh -menuduh..Nasi sudah jadi bubur.Gunalah duit rakyat untuk kebaikan semua daripada kerajaan menghabiskan duit& masa untuk post mortem mengapa BN gagal atau kaji kelemahan kepimpinan UMNO & PKR.Raykat zaman ari nie dah matang & intelektual

Anonymous said...

Helo voices from far
Any sensible person will know recent fuel price hike resulted from global oil rise.We are not kids but at least the government should provide alternatives before allowing such price hike.
At least ensure the public busses,LRt in place first and keep the public bus fare including school bus fare down.Regulate them strictly like under ISA control.
We lower income group and urban poor will welcome if tolls can be removed for a time being.We need affordable food,fuel and transportation.
The government should aslo solve traffic jams,floods and provide a safe place for us to live in.
No denying when petrol naik,semua ikut naik..only rain will come down.if government fails to set up a good mechanism fast more anger will come out.