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Saturday, November 8, 2008

Dimensions of DECEPTION-defining moments ! ! !

We feel elated when some one is freed from jail or acquitted from court. But do we feel the same when some one is heading towards a marriage breakup? Often people say if there is already a crack in the mirror, there is no way that crack can be patched up. Then let me ask cracked mirror, mirror on the wall ,what can be done to prevent the cracks from forming.

Yeah, talking of cracks my dear listerners, recently a sensational case involving a celebrity caught my attention.The said wife wanted a divorce as the result of betrayal/deception in their relationship. I even asked myself what were the unseen hands that caused this breakup-paparazzi, media insensitivity, societal factors or what?

Coincidentally too, I am alarmed at the rising rate of marriage/family breakups all over the world. Many blamed it to the human inability to handle stress ,commitments cum responsibilities in their marriage and home. This trend is supposedly quite alarming among newly married couples ,working professionals, celebrities and even now the older matured couples. It makes me curious what is wrong with the modern society? In life,what are the people looking for in actuality?

Often than not, the wife and /or the appearance of another woman is deemed as the cause factor while the man`s action is never questioned at all and the children as victims of circumstances.

Let us look from the aspect of the husband , the so called the man/master of the house and family.Why did he go wayward or want to walk out of his wife and children? Did he suddenly wake up after some years of marriage, probably after some kids were borned, to realise the issue of incompatibility?- NO ! adjustment and accomodation would have long done by then.

Did he suddenly panic when finances don`t work , become a lameduck and make for exit? NO ! as any sensible and reponsible wife will never demand more if he is still in charge of himself and role! Co-operation and understanding should have long taken place! But YES ! if he shed his responsibility and senses.

Did he suddenly want to indulge in immorality to boost his self ego? PROBABLY ! and that is called mid-life crisis. But if a man believes in this deception, he is mentally sick as he is dwelling in high risk and there is a price he has to pay at the end of it. If its boredom , then it is another deception created by man himself. It`s also call cow- sense or a foolish act to dare change.
Did he stumbled into immorality because he could not withhold his feelings and emotions for someone younger,more beautiful , seductive and a free-willing pillar for him to escape to --if its love, its bullshit! Love has many other constructive dimension. Its escapism! He is supposed to be readied with his emotional, physical and financial shield before he takes his marriage vows so as to lead and guide his charges.

What then cracked mirror,mirror on the wall are the defining moments for a man`s deception? Please enlighten me if you care.

Next let us look at the wife`s dimensions of deception.She that would give her life to care and defend her spouse and children. She that would not give up her spirit for the family even in sickness and pain or at her last breathe. She who is ever a gentle, patient and caring lion for her den.What would made her ask for a divorce?

PROBABLY ! she felt tired and meaningless going uphill witholding her duties and responsibilties alone while the man is having a wild spree outside. PROBABLY too! she wants some justice for her scarifices.

PROBABLY ! the moments of betrayal and deception were too great for her to bear anymore. Its a deception if a wife can openly accept another woman into her home and family eventhough there are factions that say such mutual understanding and acceptance is becoming a modern norm.
LEAST PROBABLY! she would shed her commitments towards her spouse and children for career advancement.

Did she neglect her wife/motherly role,duties and responsibilities as a busy professional career woman? NO ! God has given every woman the capability to breast feed and instinct to care for her infants. God has also given every woman the supernatural power to balance her life between her basic role as a mother cum homemaker and career. We must salute women for that two great dimensions in their lifes.

Now for the causal hand.In this case , supposedly it`s another young woman entering frame. Is she doing it out of desparation for companionship, attention or just to change history? In the past young girls are the victims of trap/seduction by immoral man.But in the present age there is a changing trend in mindset of young and educated girls.They no longer care about long term commitments and responsibilities.They yearn for mobility and freedom for their selfish needs.

Are these young girls living lifes of self- created deceptions ? Do we see these dimensions of deception as a modern transformation of norms or a result of liberalisation in modern education for these young girls ?

Given the various dimensions of deception for all invovled, cracked mirror,mirror on the wall how do we define the moments of deception for them all. There is no doubt mankind need to change for betterment but I fear if these changes were to come especially to Asian societies.

For peace and harmony to thrive in every household, I strongly urge all to redefine your needs , wants and be responsible for your actions.

`A candle loses nothing if it is used to light another. But be wary of its flames for it has power to destroy everything..`

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Voicesfrom far go tell the men to take care of their up and down heads properly first.
Its is always we woman that got to take the blame and also end up taking care of the kids when fairy tale fail.Where is justice yea? I hope more marriage laws can be set up that can do better justice for woman.