To all mothers, daughters....and sons too....and to all other senior citizens, life is so beautiful when we age with grace to face our dreadest moments of our life..
Though the days as senior citizens are numbered but may we have the sensibility to treasure more and more of their great golden moments together so that they may brace their ageing days with great dignity.
HAPPY SENIOR CITIZEN DAY !!!!!!!!!!!Scroll down and browse left and right to see how great they are!!!!!!!!!

the day you see me old..
I ask that you please have patience and that..
above all, you try to understand..
My dearest daughter...

If, when I talk to you..
I repeat the same thing a thousand
and one times..
Don`t interrupt me to point out
that I have already told you that,
instead, please just listen to me
and remember a time when you
were a little girl when I would read
to you the same story, night after
night, until you went to sleep..

and please don`t try to embarass me.
Remember, instead.. a time when I had to chase you with a thousand excuses..
I invented, in order to get you to bath,when you were a little girl...

When you see my ignorance of new technologies..
Give me the neccessary time to learn..
And please don`t roll your eyes or look at me with a mocking face.

I taught you how to do so many
to eat properly...
to dress and groom yourself...
and how you can confront and deal with life..

The day you notice I become old,
my dearest daughter..
please have patience and above all,
please try to understand me..

If , occasionally, I lose the memory or the thread of our conversation,
let me have necessary time to remember..
and if I cannot do it, don`t become
nervous or impatient or arrogant.
Instead, just know in your heart,
that the most important thing
for me is to simply be with you
and have you listening to me.

And when my tired old legs can`t
let me walk on as before...
Give me your hands in much the
same way I did for you,when you made
same way I did for you,when you made
your first step.
And when some day,
I tell you that
I do not want to live any more,
that I am ready to die.
Please do not get upset or angry..
Because one day, my dearest daughter,
you will understand..
that at old age we have reach a point
where we do not live anymore..
We just exist...
When this day come for me ,
You must not feel sad and or incompetent
for seeing me like this..
Instead I ask that you be with me,
that you try to understand me,
that you help me..
Help me as I journey to the end of my life
with love...
And with a deep understanding and
appreciation for the gift of time.
And love we were blessed to share
appreciation for the gift of time.
And love we were blessed to share
You are truely the most beautiful beings on earth..without you, this world is nothing.
I am so glad I could share these moments with you all on this Senior Citizen Day. For your information, my dear listerners, the above dreadest cum golden moments were send to me by one of our fellow listeners -thank you for sharing this with us.
According to the one of the findings from the Fourth Malaysian Population and Family Survey done in 2004 by the National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN), 10% of the elderly in Malaysia live alone, especially in rural areas. Alone here means staying by themselves in their homes. Loneliness increases with age. Elderly widows and widowers are more lonely than those who are divorced.
The survey also showed that one in five elderly people did not receive any financial assistance from children who did not live with them.
Three out of four elderly people, aged 70 and above, have health problems and need special care.
To fill in, Malaysia has 2 million or 7% of the population ,elderly people over 60.
There are 600 million people over the age of 60 worldwide.More than half live in Asia. Japan has the highest number of elderly people-22% of its population with age 65 and above.
It is estimated that by 2050, the elderly population in Asia, for the first time in history, will outnumber the population of children aged 0 to 14.
To help you understand this uprising phenomenal, here is the decline in fertility rate in Malaysia:-
950 - - 7 children per family,
1980 - - 4 children per family,
1990 -- 3 children per family,
2025 -- 2 children per family,
2050 -- 1 child per family.
So my dear listeners, let us brace ourselves as we approach the twilight zone .. let us age with dignity and grace. Perhaps we should let the elderly work longer and be less dependant on the government and their families. That way they can also contribute to the economy and society
I am so glad I could share these moments with you all on this Senior Citizen Day. For your information, my dear listerners, the above dreadest cum golden moments were send to me by one of our fellow listeners -thank you for sharing this with us.
According to the one of the findings from the Fourth Malaysian Population and Family Survey done in 2004 by the National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN), 10% of the elderly in Malaysia live alone, especially in rural areas. Alone here means staying by themselves in their homes. Loneliness increases with age. Elderly widows and widowers are more lonely than those who are divorced.
The survey also showed that one in five elderly people did not receive any financial assistance from children who did not live with them.
Three out of four elderly people, aged 70 and above, have health problems and need special care.
To fill in, Malaysia has 2 million or 7% of the population ,elderly people over 60.
There are 600 million people over the age of 60 worldwide.More than half live in Asia. Japan has the highest number of elderly people-22% of its population with age 65 and above.
It is estimated that by 2050, the elderly population in Asia, for the first time in history, will outnumber the population of children aged 0 to 14.
To help you understand this uprising phenomenal, here is the decline in fertility rate in Malaysia:-
950 - - 7 children per family,
1980 - - 4 children per family,
1990 -- 3 children per family,
2025 -- 2 children per family,
2050 -- 1 child per family.
So my dear listeners, let us brace ourselves as we approach the twilight zone .. let us age with dignity and grace. Perhaps we should let the elderly work longer and be less dependant on the government and their families. That way they can also contribute to the economy and society
BRAVO-This cartoon is going to be classic
Hi voicesfromfar, what Pickles trying to tell us is not classic or funny.Its a fact to swallow, if you are already in the group or heading towards that way.
Welcome to our senior citizen association and we will help you to stay productive and healthy
senior Citizen ,Kuala Lumpur.
Everyone will grow old.This we have to accept it and teach our children to accept us as who we are.We cant turn back our biological clock.
The important thing the younger generation got to remember without us ,they are nowhere where they are today.So learn to love and respect us as they love and respect themselves no matter how busy ,important ,intelligent or rich they can become.
VFF senior listerner,Ipoh
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