Bukit Gantang is of no exception this time around. Eventhough the election day is just round the corner now, but what strikes us most is that at this time of economic meltdown, PAS can afford to have such an hype-fanfare.
Giant banners that can
cover a house front-side
are common sights
everywhere –COST ?
Is PAS soliciting this kind of HARAM funding for its election campaign machinery? Or are these premises their sponsor ?Losing grip on their Islamic ideology,huh !!!!
A walk-around in Bukit Gantang one can never miss these kinds of giants poster cum banners potraying their leaders and usually carrying slandering smear too.
Impressive Giant posters at
what COST ?
Impressive operation
centre too?
We got curious –How did Pas get his funding for such massive scale of operation?
Later we were told to ask these 2 guys below who were reported to have met to save PAS from going bankrupt. And the drama unfold! PAS urgently needs:-
1.Funding for running near-busted State Government in Kelantan and Kedah.
2.Funding for PAKATAN election campaign machinery in BUKIT
3.Funding to sustain deposed PAKATAN leaders surviving in Perak .
4.Funding to quickly executive a few projects in Pulau Pinang and
Selangor that have not been implemented yet
5.Funding to fight and uproot Najib from his premiership .

" Pendedahan Eksklusif - PERTEMUAN EKSKLUSIF Saifuddin Nasution Ketua Penerangan GSPS Pas Pusat Meminta Bantuan Kewangan Dari Singapura!!!!!
Barulah seluruh rakyat Malaysia tahu dimana sebenarnya PAS dapat ambil duit mereka untuk tujuan Pilihanraya.. Dengan duit Mereka sanggup MENGADAIKAN PARTI DAN NEGARA INI!!!!!!
Naib Presiden 1 Gabungan Pemimpin Mahasiswa Malaysia (GPMM) "
Apparently a deal was closed because it was seen Walter Chia who is a Mr.Sombebody big in Singapore, left in a black car wearing a black sun glass followed by Saifuddin, with two black suitcase..
For the man on the street, be alert. PAS is an Islamic party that should be upholding Islamic virtues and not misuse the people`s trust and empowerment to be invovled in politics. PAS has gone off tangent now to go at all means to fulfill his other PAKATAN component in slicking for the parliament seat in Bukit Gantang.
The voters in Bukit Gantang have to decide fast whether to accept PAS, a party that has become a stoope for DAP Ngah-Ngeh and is manipulated for Anwar`s political game.

Do not be deceived or brain-washed by their convincing twisted -facts and slandering ceramah talks?
In any race or battle,the winner takes all and the losers like Ah Kow, Mutu or Ahmad die standing up.
Think hard and be rationale.
Later we were asked of the question below and got invited to a much awaited ceramah tomorrow, as told by a local in Bukit Gantang.
"DO WE NEED A STRONG GOVERNMENT?"Yes We Do! .... Bukit Gantang Voters.

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