Scarificing the welfare of his rakyat for the sake of realising his VICTORY dream at all means.How much do we know him-Nizar?
His TREEmendous dream makes a mockery of our Parlimentary system and the Perak state government.
His ` puppeted-administration` by Perak DAP chief Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham and state DAP sceretary Nga Kor Ming incites political chaos in Perak..
For example, the uncalled decision to give freehold titles to the new and planned villages in Perak is much dictated by DAP. It created many dissatisfactions among the poor and needy group.
His candidacy for Bukit Gantang was also mooted by Perak DAP chairman Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham in spite of objection from the Pas spiritual adviser Nik Aziz initially. Undenially Nik Aziz had to made a U-turn and turn down his own decision to give Nizar his blessing in order not create more cracks among PAKATAN.
His refusal to return his Toyota Camry shows his `gangster- character`, as a man who does not respect laws or rules and regulations.No one is above the Law.
His swearing at the Perak Sultan as `Derhaka` shows his lack of understanding and respect for the Constitution and his dissatisfaction of being dismissed from his post as Menteri Besar Perak.
Article 16 (6), Article 12 (1) & (2) and Article 12 (1) & (2) of the State Constitution clearly clarify the status of his legitimacy of his State government.
In 2004, the people of Bukit Gantang voted for Barisan Nasional government. But in 2008, they shifted and voted for Pakatan Rakyat. But they had realised they had not gotten any returns from that. So would they return to support the Barisan Nasional come 7 April 2009 ?
Yes,change we need but the engine of change can only be possible if our elected representative can walk the change and not create more political chaotic –confusion.


Think hard !!!!!!!

Next come Ismail Safian—
how much do we know him?

more to come...
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