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Friday, August 8, 2008

Malaysia in the true spirit!!!

Malaysia would be turning 51 real soon-an age that is deem to be long matured enough to be called a developed country. 51 years of independence had indeed been a long and hard journey.We are proud to possess the many present first class infrastructure.We are proud that we are able to live and work together well for the past 51 years.Unfortunately of late, this true spirit has been eroded and our strength of togetherness is diminishing fast.Whether you are the rich or the poor,the healthy or the sick, the able or disabled, the old or the young, the educated or the uneducated ...etc ; today everybody has different versions of what they want Malaysia to be like for them.

Below is parts of an excrept of a Malaysian wish in the true spirit.It is interesting to read .It also calls for great wisdom to reflect its worthiness.Remember wisdom is knowing which part to believe and be part to be inspired by it.

`..The Malays are 'technically' in power governing the country but it is also this same controlling group that demands the right to correct economic imbalances and disparities for its own race. What does this say about the 'majority governing'Malay race for the last 50 years? I dare say that most Malaysians (regardless of race)below the age of 40 would like to see all opportunities be spread amongst those who deserve it on meritocracy...

....If we continue to expect without earning it, we will never learn how to be a race that succeeds on merit.There is NO substitute for merit. The politicians continue to shout about Malay rights and bumiputera rights because the very nature of our local politics is sadly racially biased.

In this day and age, a great nation is built upon joint success stories, meritocracy and the combined hard work of its people WITHOUT any fear or favour of racial biased politics governing our daily policies.I am below 40 and as much as I love the 'idea' that Malaysia is tanah tumpahnya darah orang Melayu, I can't help but also feel that this country is forALL Malaysians alike including the Chongs, theKumars, the Xaviers, the Sings & Kaurs etc who were born on the same day in the same hospital as me here in Malaysia...

I would also like to see my children succeed in their country,Malaysia, for reasons that true success should be based upon, which are merit and hard work and NOT because they are Malays or bumiputeras. For as long as the Malays don't see this, there is very little point in fighting for Malay rights.It just makes us look more ridiculous. We have taken this notion of being privileged a bit too literally in that it now simply means we want this country and its fruits all for ourselves without accepting the responsibilities that come with it....

... Even with three or five more continuing policies for Malay rights or bumiputera privileges over the next 50 years, we will still be in exactly the same position as we are in today.The truth hurts and the truth will always prevail.And the truth of what's to come will NOT go away. I am cynical perhaps because I feel that Malay rights is NOT relevant anymore.

The right to be safe, to be treated fairly, to have a world-class healthcare and education, to enjoy equal prosperity, to have good governance, to live in a clean environment and to be war-free is what I want for my Malaysia.NOT for MY race to be artificially powerful...

.Shaik Rizal SulaimanPosted by MalaysianUnplug @ Link to This Post

No one can be a perfectionist but one can live up to reality.Time has changed ,people and policy need to change with time too.Living together for the past 51 years has been our strength .There is no place and chance to play with the fire of racism .Racism has to go. Malaysia is for all Malaysians regardless of race.Equality is the mainstream now.Kudos to Rizal for his courageuos wish for him and his children.Hope he can walk his wish..

Be a contributing force and put your wish in this blog-What do you want Malaysia to be at 51? I wish we can have first class mentality that befits our first class infrastucture.We need to produce fast a diligent and intelligent generation of Bangsa Malaysia with good social and work ethics.

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