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Friday, August 1, 2008

Principles of physic in economics and politics..???

What goes up must come down like a rollercoaster !!! How true is this Newton`s 3rd Law of Gravity in our economy and politics of today ?

Many people will lament that everything will go up, nothing but only the rain will come down and to that too, we are not sure given this global warming problem in the world .

To the people on the streets in Malaysia,we can`t deny this fact.We have seen food prices that has soared , a 41% hike in subsidised fuel prices that had boosted inflation to 7.7% inflation ...etc etc.

We have been promised toll rates will be reduced or removed to ease the burden of the people? People took to the streets in anger and frustration to protest against the government for `No more price hike`and et.al.

Slowly but surely, the people have began to sink into the momentum of this ugly impact of global fuel price hike.Many were starting to set their minds to rethink their wasteful lifestyle and how to grace over this hard and dark times of the economy.But before we can contain it all, we will soon be slamed with another rise- bus fare hike and subsequently to brace for other rises I believe. If Newton is alive today, we will question him what can come down under such circumstances? His law has worked very well for rollercoasters in theme parks.

But my dear friends, one thing for sure has come down recently-global oil price has fallen by 15% from its record high of USD 147.50 a barrel set 2 weeks ago to USD 120.42 with no sign that its decline has ended-a lowest price since June 10 ..kudos for this natural force of economics and the good news is that the Malaysian government is rethinking of restructuring the new fuel subsidy..

Then to the politicians and economists, can we ask what is to set to fall for us with this oil price fall ? Why can`t the oil price at the pump be set down fast as promised ? Is it so hard to allow the principle of physics to take its natural course ?

We want peace,harmony and growth.We know we just can not take to streets to demonstrate our grievances all the time. We have learned such street demos can not deal with the past but we can shape our present and future with better means ..

Differences put aside,come and share with me how we can beat this rising inflation?We together as a force is much,much greater than Newton`s law of gravity or any other law of physics,economics and politics..

`If we believe, there can be miracles..`

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