PKR had chosen the candidate for Bukit Selambau by-election –S.Manikumar, 35, a multi-lingual entrepreneur and an ordinary PKR member from Sungai Petani. He has a tourism management degree and an MBA from Universiti Utara Malaysia and had joined PKR two years.

However straight after PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim made the announcement, there was protest from some 20 PKR supporters from the Merbok division, which had previously backed its division committee member, K.Masilamani.
It was reported that they are unhappy with Manikumar’s nomination citing him as the parachute candidate as he is an unknown and not a local born. Before the announcement, there were three front runners to the party`s candidate- Masilamani, a Sungai Petani municipal councillor,and the other two were Sungai Petani PKR division member Dr R Krishnamoorthy and the division’s committee member S. Sritharan.
Then we heard there was a protest by PKR calling for Mohd Ali to step down as Chief Minister and vacate the state seat for Bukit Baru even though the five members- appeal panel`s decision had endorsed the ruling made by the party`s disciplinary boards on him. The march did not material but several representatives led by PAS youth chief Shamsul Iskandar,arrived at Seri Negeri to hand over the memorandum to a Seri Negeri employee. Can the punishment not takes its course? There was allegation of double standard. Punishment depends on intensity and varying degree of cases.
And now after several days of speculation, it has finally been confirmed that Penang Deputy Chief Minister I Mohammad Fairuz Khairuddin has resigned.
Mohammad Fairuz who hold two Masters degrees, has often been criticised for under-performance and rumoured to be investigated in the allegation that two senior state party leaders were working with local quarry operators to cover up illegal activities.
Mohd Fairuz `s resignation or the so-called many protests of Pakatan opposition of late is not a surprise to many because it is always easy to critic than administrate. Apparently it was claimed that Mohd Fairuz had not performed the duties entrusted to him well and that it was the best he resigned.`
Their taking to streets to protest in the name of democracy is also seen as their way to vent out their frustrations or perhaps a quick –fix for the grassroots. It looks as though street demos are beginning to be a trend in our culture.
All in all these give the impression that there are too many wrong DNAs (Do Not Agree) among the PR. Even PAS spiritual advisor Nik Aziz had to remind his president~ I am the captain of the ship.
It shows that running a government is not easy. Can PR be capable leaders/ adminstrator if the government of the day is in their hands.We have seen for a year down into power ,their job is solely on critising and slandering their opposition- the BN-Umno. For some of the little developments that they had managed to take-off were made possible by the existing state of development that were rendered by the previous BN government-do not be confused.The rich fisherman in Kuala Sepetang,for an example, were not made within a year under the leadership of PAS ??? Big or small,they have benefited from the development and subsidies given by the BN government.That is a fact.
There is no concensus in their adminstrative agenda and good quality selection of leadership. Need the grassroots take to streets or demos crazy each time to have their interests heard ? If that is the way, what a chaotic country we are turning into soon?
We have to think DOUBLE hard.Who should be in power?
To the three by-election voters in Bukit Gantang, Bukit Selambau and Bukit Ai
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