THREE MORE DAYS to Nomination Day and eleven days to election day, you can already feel the heat.
You can see arrays of party flags flying everywhere, loudspeakers of ceramah out–beating each other at close range and faithful party workers reaching out to the locals from door to door and face to face wooing voters. No big deal that is common sight in any town that is going to have any election soon.
But what attract/enrage me most is seeing how man can use such an intelligence to create these banners below in the name of upholding ideologies.
Another hot happening is that local people become victims of circumstances when followers become rowdy when told to disperse because they have no permit to hold those night ceramahs.
Because of that, we need the police and FRU for the sake of the safety for the locals. And this has become a common sight -- police pondok-to serve us. So much resources wasted to contain demos cracy people.
And this is what PAKATAN leaders got to say about their Hajat in Bukit Gantang by-election
Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham(Perak DAP chief): 'the Bukit Gantang by-election is not just another by-election but a referendum for the people of Perak to decide whether the Barisan Nasional (BN)’s way to take over the state government is acceptable.'
Obvious - 'DAP is using PAS to secure its power in Perak by supporting Nizar'—CAKAP TAK SAMA HAJAT
Abdul Hadi: ..'dalam Islam, rasuah adalah dosa besar yang dilaknati Allah..'- IDEOLOGY MISSION IN HEART NOT THE INTEREST OF THE RAKYAT THE PRIORITY.
Anwar: 'Nizar menjadi lambang pembela nasib rakyat pelbagai kaum di Perak'..???? OR IS THIS THE ULTIMATE END??
But guys, Bukit Gantang has 13 districts which need development for its basic needs and amenities badly and not more political instability, huh?
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